Brandon Kaas - Meeting Scribe

Picture of Brandon and Sal
Member Bio:
Brandon has accepted a position at Power/mation after graduation.
Robert Huschak - Chief Engineer/Report Manager

Picture of Robert and his wife
Member Bio:
Robert has a focus in power systems and computer engineering and has taken a position as an Associate Engineer at ITC Holdings after graduation.
Justin Fischbach - Test Engineer

Member Bio:
Justin has taken a position at Burns McDonnall after graduation.
Kaitlyn Ziska - Professor Client Relations

Member Bio:
Kaitlyn is looking for a position in power after graduation.
Brian Mace - Chief Engineer

Member Bio:
Brian is continuing his education after graduation at Iowa State.
Salvador Salazar-Garcia - Meeting Facilitator

Picture of Salvador and his wife
Member Bio:
Sal has a focus in power systems and control systems and is looking for a position in Automation Controls